
Early Dismissal 3-6-24

  • McAdory Elementary Parents,


    As you may or may not be aware the school is currently without power.  Due to circumstances beyond our control, it is taking longer than expected to restore it.  Therefore McAdory Elementary will dismiss school for Today, Wednesday March 6th at 11:30amBuses will run at that time, as will our carline.  A sack lunch will also be provided to children who were planning to eat at the school today.

    If your child normally rides the bus but instead will need to be picked up today, please email Mrs. Franks at lfranks@jefcoed.com.  Once again that is Lfranks@jefcoed.com.


    Should you not have access to email, you may also call Mrs. LeAnna Brown at Central office who will relay a message to Mrs. Franks.  That number is 205-379-2201.  Once again 205-379-2201.


    Once again, McAdory Elementary is dismissing at 11:30am today.  We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, but once again these are circumstances beyond our control.

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  • McAdory Elementary School strives to prepare students for college, career, and life. Go Jackets!

School News

  •  Send a Message, Stay Drug Free. As part of our travel theme for the year we would like students to

    Send a Message, Stay Drug Free

    McAdory Elementary School Family, we need your help! This year for Red Ribbon Week McAdory Elementary wants to surround our students with positive messages about living safe, healthy, drug free lives!As part of our travel theme for the year we would like students to receive postcards from around the world.

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  • Our school wide theme MES Future World Changers -Be Kind, Be Wi

    MES Future World Changers

    The administration and counselors at MES work hard to promote positive behavior at school with the purpose of helping students develop good character that will lead to success, now and in the future.

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